We were created to build.
Beautiful homes. Structures. Common spaces
We've also been called to build up people, each other—through jobs, careers, and sustainable businesses that help our community thrive.
Unfortunately, this hasn't been the reality for everyone. Many have been displaced and left out from the prosperity and wealth created by construction. It’s time that changed.
Let's build something better, together.

When government agencies like Trimet bring in companies like Raimore for major construction projects, people who historically haven't been able to share in the prosperity created by these projects, can receive living wages for meaningful work.
We believe construction can be an engine of change—so that all communities can flourish and experience a sense of belonging.
For more inspiring films that offer insight into Raimore Construction’s guiding principles visit www.kingdombusiness.how
When true knowledge is given
When a living wage is provided
When higher positions are available
When businesses are supported
When my home is purchased
When my family is provided for
Now I breathe
Now I thrive
Now I live.
Out of a strong commitment to engaging diverse community members in its workforce and business procurements, in the winter of 2020, TriMet awarded the $70+ million Division Transit Project to Raimore Construction - a Black owned construction company with a 20-year history of work for TriMet.
It was the largest DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) contract in Oregon history.
In managing the Division Transit Project, Raimore has utilized many subcontractors, 85% of which were minority or woman owned.

But this is only the beginning… As more agencies commit to diversifying the companies that are awarded important infrastructure projects, more people will have access to meaningful work and a living wage - once connected to place, community and a secure future, the intergenerational healing process that is so desperately needed, can begin.
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